Tours and Retreats Advisory

Our world-class projects and events are aligned with soul journey and service to humanity tracked to original creation stories of humanity. Our clients discover us through blinding energetic resonance, shared spiritual ethics and human values, and through Ash’s community of global spiritual wisdom and service. Please contact us directly for world-class events retreats production or invitation. Ash is a consciousness and Ancient Egypt specialist. She embodies legacy and integrity as a global Spiritual Teacher and Wisdom Keeper. Our world-class specialism services up-scale your tour or retreat where you have little knowledge of Ancient Egypt or her Modern Culture but are a specialist within your own field. This may mean you are a conscious leader in business, arts, social impact, well-being or spirituality.

Ancient Egypt protects a pure and complex science of ancient wisdom and technologies rooted in incarnation, time, revolutionary existence knowledge. This takes our knowledge of soul journey and human intelligence, spirituality, shamanism and esoteric sciences to new levels of epigenetic quantum potentials.


In Egypt, these gateways exist, are powerful and active. Quantum is already scientifically achieved and enshrined in MA’AT in the architecture of temples and monuments of millions of years. These gateways require rigorous, safe soul journey protocols of significant preparation and initiation. Entering a Spiritual Journey in Egypt is a sacred committment.


These gateways reflect truth, where consciousness materialises gatekeepers of many forms. This is the power of real initiation. Magic is a science in Ancient Egypt and requires legacy to journey where you have not travelled before. In rigorous dedication to universal laws of soul, incarnation and evolution not matrix sanctions. Here Goddess is not Hollywood but a potent force of creation and destruction of illusion.

Please do not approach us to produce retreats if you have no legacy of teaching nor training. We do not permit plant medicine or recreational drug abuse at our facilities or ancient sites due to the sensitive nature of Islam, djin science and current cultural and religious laws.